I cant believe it's been so long since I updated this thing last. Even that wasn't much of an update.
Well, to compensate, I've just added a Twitter box to the sidebar so you can see I'm still alive, and stalk me, even when I'm not around this so called Bloggersphere.
So what's been happening in the shiny life of I? Well...let me tell ya...
Since last we spoke, I've...won a new tv, moved to a Mac, lost 3 stone, watched CSI Vegas...yes...all of it, discovered Dirty Jobs and fallen in love with Mike Rowe's sarcastic witty banter, added 15 John Candy movies to my collection, started using Twitter, finally got to see Duke Special live, bought a new Camera, dyed my hair bright red (again), decided I got the wrong name on my Giants shirt, managed to have coffee with Lu...twice (she's illusive), remembered how much I love Cadbury Creme Eggs, remembered how much I love Matt, spent new years with some of my bestest friends, started drinking Diet Coke, rediscovered the local music scene, produced an entrance video for the Belfast Giants game nights, persuaded Odyssey staff to remove the 5 year old gum from my season seat, been forced to use iMovie, learned how to light an Aga, chipped a tooth, been let down by people, been let down by myself, panicked about everything, been proud of my work, stood up for myself, felt like I knew what I was doing, found a sleeping pattern...then promptly lost it again, cried at an episode of ER, realised peanutbutter & jelly is a good idea, found the whereabouts of the Doctor that helped save my life when I was 3, chickened out of contacting him, handed my memory over to a whiteboard checklist, been mesmerised by a Snow Dalek, interviewed Paul Sample in his Tighty Whities...twice, become addicted the HOTD games on Wii, managed to lose my season ticket...at home, became an Auntie 3 times, and found a new house.
So I think that's us up to date in a nutshell. Well, mostly anyways. Normal service should resume shortly.