Friday, April 15, 2005

Come fly with me...

(Monday 11th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day three)
(...going home)

Next morning, despite all odds, we woke up bright and early.....well...early, anyways...

To be honest we didnt have much of a choice if we wanted to go up into town before boarding our coach at 11:45am to head back to Birmingham Airport.

Matt had been wanting to go up to the guitar shop behind the arena all weekend, so finally he was to get his wish. Lu had already gone out with Sarah and her parentals for the morning, and Raj was ill in his room, so it was just the two of us.

The shop wasn't really that interesting and some guy was playing geetar really badly in the corner so we left sharpish and went to find breakfast.

As we were walking up the hill into town we heard oxo calling from in a little hidden sandwich bar....which was handy - breakfast solved! We ordered and headed to Starbucks to retrieve everyone their morning coffee.

We got back to the hotel with about 20mins to spare, ate, then checked out.
Our coach was waiting outside and our coffee foraging came as a welcome remedy to the night before. Lu was still wondering what had happened to her shoes.

With weekend banter exchanged, Sterling did a head count...but something wasn't totalling up...
Somehow we had one more on the bus than we should've had.

He checked again...

HELGA! Joe's new girlfriend had somehow managed to stow away with us on the bus...
Sterling tried to tell her she couldn't come with us, but she looked so deflated he decided to let her stay...

She even managed to sweet talk the FlyBE staff into letting her on the flight without a passport (!) and Joe carried her the whole way through checkin, security checks, and onto the plane...boy she had them all whipped ;o)

On the way through the xray at security it was discovered she was having twins! TWINS! Slapper...she's only 14!

The happy couple: Joe & Helga Posted by Hello

By the time we got to the the flight gate everyone was wrecked...again. Especially Bill who had been spotted lying on the floor of the bar the night before trying to re-inflate Helgas ego... *cough* (sorry Bill lol)

Bill...hungover =P Posted by Hello

Finally, after a rather smooth flight, we made it home, all safe and sound.

I cant believe the seasons finished again. It's aways sooo nice to see all our hockey friends from all over the country, all in one place...even for just a small time...and it sucks when it's over.
I know it's only a few months till September and everything starts over again, but's gonna be such a long summer...

xx jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great account of the weekend! :)

Off season truly does suck....