Give this man a round of a applause and a big fat DUI !!!
Well done sir! I see someone wasn't listening to all those thousands of road safety ad's that run on tv all day every day...
*note the lovely new angle of our telegraph pole
So last night I had been out with Matt, Raj and Sarah, up at the Odyssey watching 'Hitch' (yes, yes it is the second time I've seen it...but Kevin James just cracks me up...) and returned home only to find THIS outside my door...
"atmospheric" photo of the drunk's totalled car ...I'm pretty sure this is how he saw it too...idiot
After dropping Sarah home we decided to grab a bite to eat...which I guess added a good 45mins onto our travel time...
CAN U IMAGINE IF WE HADN'T???!!! Matt's car would have been parked there! Or it could have been us he crashed just doesn't bare thinking about...
My first thought as we pulled up was "oh lord don't let that be dads car" as it was the same colour and from a distance roughly the same size. My knees nearly went from under me as I ran up the street
I thank God it wasn't. His car was still tucked neatly in the driveway, and he and mum were fast asleep in bed...didn't even hear the almighty bang of the crash...
All the neighbours were out in the street...some said the car was being chased...but y'all know what nosey neighbour gossip can be like!
The driver had been pulled out of the car by the time we got there and was being questioned in the back of the police car. Drunk. He was feckin DRUNK! What an idiot. He could have killed someone! He had hit another car, but thankfully the girl was ok...a bit shaken up, but physically ok...
The telegraph pole was another story...the hit had taken it right out of the ground and it was kinda balancing by it's wires. Somehow though we still had a line from our phone...go figure...
The BT guys have been out there all morning fixing it. Think they've managed to get it upright again! *applauds*
Anyways...moral of this story folks... Never EVER drink & drive's not big, and it's not clever.
1 comment:
I am completely against drinking and driving mainly because I've had to many friends lost or hurt due to this exact thing and all I can say is that it's a blessing that you can see it from a far instead of right in the midst, hope things are still shiny and stuff, later...
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