So how is everyone? I've just noticed it's been a while since my last post. I seem to be on the net less and less lately.
Anyhoo, I've totaled it all up, and I'm pretty sure I've spent the majority of the last week down in Southern Ireland. Now dont get me wrong, I see this as a great thing...the place is absolutely fantastic...spectacular views...

...but I'm now officially wrecked - and I wasn't even the one driving!
Ya know I got up at 6.30 this morning with the best of intentions of getting everything that needed doing, done and out of the way, and it was all going great until I sat down just for a sec on my nice big comfy sofa. That was at 9am. The next thing I knew it was noon! Eek! I had completely conked out =/
This damn heat isn't helping. And all the stupid hayfever medication. I mean, how's a girl supposed to stay awake?!
Anyways, yes, down south.

Last weekend started off nicely with a trip to Westport, Co. Mayo, which is on the west coast of Co. Mayo. Now any other day we would have found this place no problem; Common sense suggests: head straight to Sligo and there'll be a straight route down. But this day was different. Matt had printed out a map from Mircosoft Auto-Route. Now you would think that He, of all the Mirosoft hating people in the world, would know better than to use a Microsoft map and expect it to do anything less than figuratively blue-screen the entire time. But no. *sigh* We go sooo lost! The map made no sense took us on the most bizare route through random countryside ever...but even so, Matt was determined to see it through! lol Of course bad mapping is never helped by the fact that road signs in Ireland are easily spun around by local youths!

(The Google Map - As the Microsoft one shoulda looked!)
Anyways, after stopping the only English person within miles (much to his amusement) to get directions, we eventually just doubled back and headed for Sligo like we shoulda in the first place. Et voilĂ , next thing ya know, we're sitting in a lovely wee pub called The Towers in Westport eating dinner and watching the England side get booted outta the World Cup. Noice!

We spent the rest of our time there on a wee beach near by, toasting Sarah's 18th and upcoming trip to OZ M&S style, with a bottle of Champers and 'not just any ordinary' fruit mixer...

We had sooo much fun...and had noo problem finding our way home after having ditched the Microsoft map! =)
Enjoy the rest of the photos from Westport and the next installation of 'Journey South' will be coming very soon!