Saturday, July 08, 2006

An Apology... Matt, who was very upset that I didnt mention the fact that he managed to find a place down south (a Spar none the less) that sold Tim Hortons coffee, even once in my last post. So here ya go hun:

Actually, it wasn't just the appeared to be the entire Tim's range of donuts, lunches and Timbits. It seems the Canadians may be trying to take over the world through and caffein highs and yummy glazed tartlets! Oh the humanity!


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Caffine Highs I cannot live without...Now yummy glazed tartlets....that could be a new addiction just waiting to happen....thanks jo and matt, later....


Jo said...


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Oh that was funny was it? Hmmmmm, where are those tartlets anyway?