Friday, September 29, 2006

I have the cold =( *sniffle*

So...ya know when you're sick, your dreams are always a little bit off the wall...

...last night I drempt I worked for
Wolfram & Hart. How bizarre.

Man, their filing system was a mess.




DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I have had a cold too jo...*sad* I hope you feel better because if your throat feels anything like mine did yesterday then that truly sucks...You don't deserve that do you? Anyway, I know you will be better soon, I am blowing you get well kisses as we speak, later jo...

Jo said...

Aww thankies x You get better too!

"...You don't deserve that do you?"

=( *shakes head and looks all sad and pouty* noooo.. =(