Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bah! I feel like crap. There is a halloween party tonight and no one seems to be going. Now I don't feel like going either. Poo. amount of chocolate in the world seems to be able to cheer me up, but just incase there's anyone else out there with the blues, here's a little something to induce a giggle or two.

From the previous "Music Night at the Cardwell's" evening, Matt & Myself (...after a whisky or two I might add...) giggling singing If I Had $1,000,000...the Barenaked Ladies we are not!

(Click here if you can't see the music bar)

Apologies to every Canadian I've ever met or known for the truly questionable accents.

...Quick! Get out the cheese!

**EDIT** My bad...actually chocolate does help a little. Esp when its poured through your front doors letter box when you least expect it! *blushes* Thankies Matty =) xx


Anonymous said...


Kaz said...

that song sounds class jo...hehe

Jo said...

*blushes* cheers missus =)