Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gary & Lyndsey

So, this evening my little cousin Gary tied the knot with his lovely missus Lyndsey.

The Happy Couple
The happy couple.

Lyndsey looking stunning.

Little mischievous Brooke
Their tornado of a...mental...mischievous...erm...lovely little daughter Brooke =)

Father & Son
My uncle Joe all proud of his newly wed son Gary


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Jetcity...Get a life..

Jo...It seems there are so many getting married lately, it's nice to see happy people in love isn't it? They make a cute couple.

Now, go get some rest and kick that colds ass out there, later sweetie...

Anonymous said...

Luffly photos hun =)

Anonymous said...

Wow excellent pics. Wish my wedding photos had looked like that!