Warner Bros...The Lost Boys Plot
So how many of you, much like me, were, and-or, still are a huge fan of the 80's cult classic,The Lost Boys?
Have you heard the nonsense that is spewing out of the Warner Studios? Surfing Vampires.
Yes, Surfing vampires. Seriously.
They are planning a straight to dvd sequel to a movie, that firstly had all it's infamous vampire antagonists killed off by the end scene, and secondly is deemed as a cult classic and should not have its memory degraded with a cheap and tacky attempt at a fast buck.
All I can picture is a young Keanu Reeves type actor, with half the acting ability, unwittingly or otherwise, hanging ten with a group of knarley vamps led by some shaggy haired blood bank robber who sky dives and yells "via con dias" as he attempts to slay the young protagonist...who has probably fell for the head honcho's girlfriend....
...or something.
Either ways, the so called "plot" outline that they've put out just goes to show that there is no imagination or creative skill involved in the movie making process any more. It's just dumb.
It's so dumb in fact, that there is actually a petition against it. If you have any respect for the memory of David and the cute little fuzzy one from Bill & Ted...go sign it!
Surfing Vampires? GET LOST!!
"Young Keanu Reeves type actor"?? This is Hollywood - it'll actually be Keanu playing the 17 year old. They can do that you know. Look at the Dawsons Creek cast. I think they brought their grandkids with them to the set....
Plus I hear Keanu's a good surfer.... *cough*....
Yeh but they dont wanna make it tooooo like Point Break *rolls eyes* lol
...bet there wont even be sex clouds =( lol
No sex clouds?! =| OUTRAGEOUS!! =(
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