Friday, July 29, 2005

Love is...

Today I had been intending to go shopping in town, but it rained. See, it's not that I think I will melt if I go out in the rain, but it rained heavly, and I just dont see why I should go shopping in icky weather when it could quite easily wait till another day.

Instead I started to do all those tiny little things I'd been meaning to do for absolutely listen properly through some music I got a while back but had forgotten about, posting pics Wrighty sent me on the NIXX site, flicking through my list of interesting blogs, and of course updating this one.

On my way through my interesting blog list, i came across a post called "Kids Define Love" on 'Life Without a Tiara' and I thought it was really sweet.

A couple of my favourites were:

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Bobby - age 7

"Love is when your puppy licks your face, even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4

and "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca - age 8

They made me smile =)

Also, for the last half hour I have been reading PostSecret (which I found a link to on above thank you!) it, it's amazing...

xx jo

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Holy Mother Of All Things Shiny!!!!!!

It was announced today that Theo Fleury (...yes, THEO FLEURY!!!!!!) has a made verbal agreement to sign for the Belfast Giants this coming season! Holy crap! *dances* =D

Article on site
Belfast Giants Official Site

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Wedding Returns

Now that Andy & Meelan have seen their finished wedding folio, I thought i'd share a few more of the pics with y'all on here...

All photos copyright © Blue Ice Media 2005,
and must not be copied or reproduced without permission
Prints available upon request.

Check out their website to see some of Brians wedding snaps and some pics I took previously at Tollymore Forest.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

"I'll tell ya there Bobbo, either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea"

*giggles* umm...I'm not entirely sure this is a good thing, infact... its a conundrum, i know, but dammit muffin, it sure is funny....

Which Scrubs Character are you?

You are...Dr. Cox

Rebel, thy name is YOU! You don't do things by the rules -- at all -- and you're damn proud of it, despite the fact that such a philosophy tends to bite you in the ass more often than you like. Your brusque and sarcastic manner puts off most around you, but your high standards elicit nothing but respect. It's possible that your rough exterior is a cover to deeper, more vulnerable feelings inside. Only you know for sure.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Not so shiny =(

Earlier yesterday morning the streets of London were devestated by terrorist bomb attacks. The blasts on three tube trains and a bus, was reported to have left around 700 hurt, with 100 held overnight in hospital and 22 serious or critical. The death count so far is around 50.

I couldn't believe what I was waking up to. Just the night before, due to something we were watching on tv, Matt and I were talking about the sept 11 attacks. Talk about ironic at it worst.

Lu, one of my best friends, was in London, and had got caught up in the begining of it all. One of the bombs went off on her train just one stop after she had got off. Eesh.
I praise the Lord she was ok.

I just dont know why people do this. I, along with the rest of NI, have lived with this sort of stuff all our lives. I grew up with it. People bombing and killing for reasons only known to them. You'd think it wouldn't shock me any more, but it does. And I'm not quite sure I'll ever understand it.

London Attacks In Depth
BBC News