Wednesday, August 03, 2005


So as Sarah, Matt, Raj and I skipped merrily out of seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night, Sarah and myself were rambling on (as we do) about how rockin Johnny Depp is, how he is such a fantastic character actor, makes every movie he's in, blah blah blah... I suddenly realised he was actually my favourite actor. I guess I hadn't thought about this in a very long time...not since back in the media student days.

I started to wonder who else would make my 'Top 5' list nowadays, but I got very stumped.

You see, there are a lot of actors that I like. Some that would compel me to see a movie purely on the basis that they were in it... Some that might make the top 10, but very few who I would actually include in my top 5.

I spent the entire journey home from Raj's house comtemplating this very conundrum.

So far I've come up with:

1. Johnny Depp - like I said before...great actor who is able to transform himself physically and mentally to fit each character he plays, and always with a twinkle of humour flashing across his eyes.
2. Geoffrey Rush - from gentle genius in Shine, to scary as hell as Barbossa.
3. John C McGinley - he's done some fantastic movies...from Platoon, to Point Break, to Se7en, to The Rock, to Identity...and then from Scrubs, to, well, pretty much everything he's ever been in...he has the unique ability to crack me up and scare the bejeebus outta me all at once.
4. Dakota Fanning - she's so young yet so flippin talented, I cant help but think she rocks...lets hope she doesn't run the usual 'child star' gauntlet.

...but I'm still missing a 5th


See...I would rarely miss an Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell movie, but that doesn't mean I'd rate them top 5. Tom Hanks Is a fantastic actor, and Big definately makes my all time top 5 movie list...possibly even joined by The Terminal, but does he fit the list? Or Nic Cage? Again, been in some of my favourite movies, but is he number 5, or 6? Mel Gibson definately would have made the top 5 list even 5 years ago, but it seems like forever since I've seen him in anything list-worthy. And then there's John Cusack. Con Air and High Fidelity are also amongst my most watched movies. Eeesh, Not to mention a collection of Alan Rickman, Jack Black, Wil Smith, Steve Zahn, Jim Carey, Kevin Spacey and Steve Buscemi movies...and thats only to name a few. Gaaahh...

Ya know it's getting to the point where I'm just gonna note down all the potential canditates, close my eyes, and pick whichever one my finger points to first.

Grrrr! ...think I'm gonna have to get back to ya on this one...


Anonymous said...

Gah. Now you've got me trying to figure out who my favourite 5 actors are!

Random wee story for you: Nicholas Cage was out filming some film the other month in Melbourne & my uncle was doing on-set paramedic. He was introduced to Cage, and didn't know who he was. My uncle says he'd never heard of him before. *smacks head off desk*

Jo said...

You realise now, I may have to kill your uncle for being stoopid, right...?


Anonymous said...

john cusack john cusack john cusack john cusack john cusack.

you *know* it makes sense wummin!

oh and glad you've found the awesomeness that is postsecret. it's tres addictive. meant to link it for ya a whlie back to show ya it but i forgotsied.

Anonymous said...

That's entirely understandable, Jo. Cage is one of his daughter's favourite actors, and I think she near killed him too.... Silly, silly uncle....

S.Klassen said...

Top 5 Actors? Awesome
1. Ben Kingsley- House of Sand and Fog, Sexy Beast, Suspect Zero
2. John Cusack- High Fidelity, Identity, Gross Point Blank
3.Johhny Depp- Edward Scissor Hands, Blow, What's Eating Gilbert Grape
4. Bruce Willis- Armagedon, Hostage, Die Hard
5. William Dafoe- Spiderman, Boondock Saints, The Reckoning
I really like your blog, keep it up :)

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Nick Cage is utmost FAV but I just recently remembered how much I appreciated Kevin Kline, especially his old one "The January Man", anywho, later...

P.S. Missed ya' jo.....:P