Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Inner Child

Your Inner Child Is Sad

You're a very sensitive soul. You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have. Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone. You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.

Frightning how accurate this is =/
(Swiped from Shiny Sarah's Blog)


Anonymous said...

Aawww your inner child's all sad! We'll have to feed her some cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.



Ok, so I just wanted an excuse for more cookies.... :-(

Ole Blue The Heretic said...


Jo said...

Awww =) *hugs back* thankies!

...I must post an update...and I will...soon!

jo xx

Kaz said...

surely thats not true!! u do have a thick skin, yer a hard ass bitch, i'm scared of ya ;-)
had 2 post chick, return the favour and all that