3 More Lost Icons
Erm...tis exactly wot it says on the tin!
Erm...tis exactly wot it says on the tin!
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2:22 am
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Well... I just thought I might post some of the Avvys I done over the past wee while on here for all to see (and to cheer up Shiny Sarah). I don't mind if anyone wants to use 'em, but please comment and credit 'snoopy45' which is my LJ name.
Cheers, Jo xx
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5:13 pm
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Hurleys mum had a point. Dammit.
I'd like to say that was what inspired me to join the local gym, but as I hadn't heard her say it at the time, it would be a lie. And a stupid one at that. I mean seriously, who takes advice from a fictional slightly kooky tv mum? Hmm?
Anyways, it was more to do with not having exercised regularly since I was 15 and noticing that I'm suddenly not able to run flights of stairs anymore with out feeling the need to pass out half way up.
So, whilst I'm loving being able to go for a run while watching Neighbours, I've also decided, after (not) much deliberation (at all), that the rowers are in fact, evil. Not just because they make me believe that I'm on a boat in the middle of the Thames and could easily fall overboard and drown at any second, but also because they kill my poor arms after the first 5 minutes. Rowing just isnt bred into me. I mean I've never even entertained the thought of draping a neatly pressed beige sweater around my shoulders ever in my life...in fact, I dont even own a neatly pressed sweater of any colour.
But all has been going good, and despite the major dread I had going the first time, I'm now really enjoying it. Even more so now it's been discovered that one of the trainers was formerly a member of local bred boyband 'Wot Nxt' who played at a few Giants games during the period breaks a couple of seasons ago. *snigger* Sessions now go like this: "Right, I've just just finished on the crosstrainer...soo...wot next?" followed of course by much teeheeing and pisstaking, which, lets face it, is what gets us all through the day *cough*
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2:33 pm
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Things I Like:
John Prine. Went to see him with Matt, Raj & Nigel t'other night in the Waterfront. Fantastic.
Watching Lost season 2.
Going to the gym and finding out I'm not quite as unfit as I previously thought.
Pluckin Geetar. Matty has been teachin me to play Nothin' Else Matters by Metallica.
That song. Nothin' Else Matters. Such a fantabulous song. I'd forgotten just how fantabulous.
Seeing Sarah in her formal dress. Our little shiny girl's all grown up! *sniffle*
Flash dusters.
Dr Cox rants.
My new Superman t-shirt. It's super.
The new Tescos in Carrick. Oooo it's all new and shiny...
The dinner I cooked earlier. Damn it was good. No seriously, just ask Matt! It's a regular fave!
Matt buyin my dog a random toy =) Sweeeeet.
The new billboards for Coors Light featuring the Belfast Giants that have sprung up all over the place. They look great.
The seasonal 'Gingerbread Latte' at Barstucks. Mmmmmmm =)
Being all snuggly in my nice warm bed on freezing cold mornings.
Things I Hate:
Odyssey car park attendants. Don't get me started.
People who pick over petty things. I'm sure there's much more important things you could be getting on with.
Spieds. Steeks. Millies. Scallys. Chavs. Wotever.
Trying to buy sportswear for the use God intended when you're surrounded by the latter who all seem to think it's a super-stylish thing to wear for a Friday night on the the town.
People who leave before something's finished. I.E. As John Prine is coming towards the end of his last song *before* his encore; or with 3mins left on the clock during a game that has been know to swing 360 with 0.2 seconds to go. I mean for the love of all that is holy...WHY?!?
90% of Eventsec staff. Not all. Just the 90% majority. And in particular the ones that watch people bleed from a gash in their head and dont even go to see if they're ok until 60 or so people turn round and yell at him.
Running out of Lost to watch and having to wait on more episodes being broadcast.
Not being able to huggle Hurley when he's lookin all furnuffled in episode 2x04 entitled "Everyone Hates Hugo" =(
People who refuse to accept 'furnuffled' as a word.
Esquires staff. They're all dumb.
Clements Saturday morning staff. They're all grumpy.
Smoking in public places. I don't care, I shouldn't have to breath it.
Chaventry Blaze fans who think its somehow clever to throw stuff at the Giants bench.
Writable cd's that refuse to write.
Not getting to hear JP sing the 'Happy Enchilada' song *pout*
Having to get out of my nice warm bed on freezing cold mornings!
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1:17 am
1 shiny comments