Thursday, January 12, 2006

In the words of Jack Johnson...

"Where'd all the good people go?"

Ok, so two incredibly stupid idiots making mean prank calls out've a couple'a hundred fantastically nice and genuinely concerned and helpful people isn't bad, is it?

But, just incase I didnt emphasise enuff, just how incredibly stupid these two callers really are their telephone numbers complete with international dialing code:

+447757804374 - seemed to be a couple of silly bitches that phoned, not once, but around 5 or 6 times over the space of two days, and
+447736648832 - some dumbass drunk guy telling us he had our cat in his microwave. Nice.

Yes folks, thats right, they were sooooo incredibly stupid, that they didnt even withold their telephone number when they decided to harass me. Infact, sooooo incredibly stupid that I decided the world should be able to tell them just how dumb and heartless they really are. Please feel free.

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