Somewhere over the rainbow
I've decided I'm gonna stop apologising for not updating. I appreciate everyone who's emailed or pm-ed to see if I'm still alive...and I may still, on occasion, apologise to them....but on mass, I feel it is pointless and indeed repetitive. Lets just face facts...I have lost my blogging skills. My ability to post relentless amounts of incredibly random (yet ever so shiny) crap, has been sent on vacation and gotten lost.
Oh, I still hear from it now and again...a postcard or two, arriving whilst I'm in the cinema viewing such classics as "Snakes!...on a plane". It gently reminds me why I need to post, and that I must share with you all the fantastic reasons I came up with as to why Samuel L. Jackson should never attempt 'dramatic'...why David R. Ellis should stick to stunt coordinating, why Bobby Cannavale should be much more careful when jumping outta helicopters, and most importantly, why, even after the terrible acting and the steady 5 minute shot of some girls nakid tatters, I still liked the damn movie!
...and I would have...but I forgot.
My mindless blogging ability, which I shall henceforth refer to as Falcor the Pink, has let me down. When I sent him on a journey of spiritual growth (...otherwise known as me telling him to stop bugging me while I needed to work...) has become tired and fidgety.
But it is my own fault. I accept responsibility. As the old saying goes "All work and no blogging makes Falcor the Pink a dull boy". Maybe if my mindless blogging ability was a female figment of my imagination things would be different...or make more sense...or make any sense...or...something... *sigh* ...but never mind. On we go...
The summer is over.
Yes folks, thats right, as always the blazin hot sun lasted about 2 weeks then burst into lashings and lashings of pouring wet horrible icky rain. And lots of it. Just in time for the Milk Cup. Fantastic.
For those of you who don't know, The Milk Cup is a world wide youth soccer tournament that takes place around the North Coast of Ireland every year. It has spawned many a footballing legend over the years and is in fact the only tournament which old golden balls David Beckham has ever won as team captain. A great week was had by all, despite everyone being repeatedly soaked by massive amounts of rain...
...and milk!
Other highlights from the beginning of the rainy season that has now become Autumn, included a visit to a convent for a wedding shoot. Now I must admit, I've never been in a convent before...and the idea of it worried me slightly. Visions of Nuns running around, habits flowing in the full force gale, singing about the hills being alive sprang immediately to mind. Thankfully however, only one of them had anything blowing anywhere and the hills were more sapping wet than alive with anything. Did I mention the huge vertical graveyard or the overflowing open-plan crypts? No? Anyhoo, despite all that...and the masses of mud...and my lovely new shoes getting completely ruined...everything went to plan and the day was deemed a success.
Don't they just look luffly?
What else? ...Oh yes! It was wee Amy's 2nd birthday t'other week. We got her a dog. A toy dog. But a really really big one. *grin*
It's about 4 times the size of Amy, and her dad, Nathan, thought it looked better as a hat. Umm, not quite wot we had in mind, but I guess maybe she'll grow into it.
Connor also had a birthday last week...and although much older than Amy, invited a couple of kids along to his party anyways...
Yes Matt and Bill, I'm talkin' bout you two! In case you cant quite make out the videos, they are having a balloon fight in the first. Thankfully the video is short, but this went on for hours...or what seemed like hours anyways! And in the second, Bill entertains us with a reenactment of a scene from "When Balloons Go Bad". And yes Raj, before you say it, you are entirely correct; From now on they'll be doing their balloon jail! *cough*
Anyways, apart from squeeing about hockey season starting up again in two weeks time *cough* first game on the 9th *cough*, I can't think of anything else particularly interesting right now...mainly due to it being tea time and it's been way too long since lunch. So I'll leave you with a pic I snapped on my phone yesterday just after we finished building our ark.
Bleedin' Cullybackey country folk...first they take our tractors, then they get their very own pots of gold. Its so not fair!
I tell ya' what! For someone who burns off for just about ever and makes all her friends think she has been abducted or something. You really must have let Falcor The Pink have it because you also know how to make up for lost time with a long ass post with all the amenities, damn Jo....i missed ya' hope you are back for a while anyway, later...
"i'm soo sick of all these motherfu*kin'snakes on the motherfu*kin'plane! hahhah
Falcor the Pink, eh? My blogging ability always seems like a mini cartoon me who sits beside my monitor. Kinda like the cartoon Lizzie Maguire. But not sucky.
*sigh* Ahh balloon fights. Loving the videos! Hehe
"Do you think I should tell Matt he's the oldest one in this room?" ;-)
But I'm afraid you forgot the most important summer highlight- my return to Norn Iron! Hahaha =P
Have missed your blogs!
The end of summer is never quite as disappointing to the hockey fan! The Oilers, although looking somewhat different on the defensive end this year, are going to be one heck of a fun team to watch. They are overloaded on offence this year. Go Oilers! Go Giants!
Yaaaay hockey! woot...woot!
Thankies blu ~ Flacor has a lot to answer for!
Kaz ~ You sounded just like him! Spooky!! =/
Shiny ~ How could I possibly forget you? I just felt I needed to hide my emotion on the subject *sniffles with joy*
And Tim - The Oilers will rock this seasan...great to see my Roli back =D You better cheer extra loud for him from me! *woots along*
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