Saturday, April 28, 2007

Barenaked Ladies in Dublin

What a Letdown.

No, not the concert! Eesh no! That's the name of the song I cant stop singing from the 'Barenaked Ladies Are Men' album.

*squeeeeeeee* =D

I'm seriously having to resist melting into "fangirlyOMGijustsawthebarenakedladiesliveforthefirsttimeafteralltheseyears" mode. And I'll try my best. But I can't promise anything ;o)

After a very late (and very much delayed) flight back from Nottingham the night before, we dragged ourselves outta bed and headed down to Dublin at the crack of dawn. Well was about lunchtime really.

After Captain Planets being a massive disappointment last time, we decided to head to the world famous Eddie Rockets for some very disgusting, yet very very good diner food. Mmmm foot-long Chilli-Cheese Dogs, Garlic-Cheese Fries and Onion Rings, followed by the yummiest Oreo Malt-shake ever! We are all such incredible pies!

Anyways, after grabbing a cup of coffee to stop Matts head essploding, we headed round to the Olympia Theatre, where BNL were due to be on stage in about 2 hours time. We had planned to meet up with Carolyn, a friend of Matts from work, and her boyfriend, but for the life of us couldn't find the bar they were in. In all fairness, Carolyns directions leave a lot to be desired! =P lol

After a brief search for the mystery bar, we returned to the theatre and headed upstairs to take our seats. Yes, seats. Matt's old and Sarah has dodgy knees.
The place soon packed up and the lights dimmed down.

They bounded onto the stage with One week and the Old Apartment before going into an adlib about Ed's overindulgent eating. Apparently either the Bangers
or the Mash would have been fine...but both together was a mistake. I knew how he felt! And anways, the best gigs always seem to be performed on overly full stomachs...a la Dave Matthews, who had the same problem with the Duck and the Lamb.

BNL in Dublin

Many fantastic numbers followed, including a fantabulous acoustic version of "For You" of my fav BNL songs, "Twister: The Musical", and perhaps the highlight of the evening - the "Angry People" Dance =D Too funny! (You can see it HERE from their Brighton gig, or HERE in London.)

BNL Steve BNL Jim BNL Steve mid jump BNL Ed
BNL Tyler & Jim ©BIM07 Steve BNL Jim & Ed BNL Angry People
(clicky for bigger pics!)

I can't believe I fiiinally got to see them live =)

And the best thing about their concerts is that you can take it away with you. Literally...on a little USB stick. They record every gig they do, and you can pick it up from the merchandise stand straight after the show. How rockin is that?! And...even if you don't feel like queuing, you can take the slightly different route of downloading it from their website...complete with cd cover art. Sweet, no?

You cant beat them with a big bad barenaked memory stick!

Anyhoo...I'm gonna stop rambling now *looks at watch* mainly cause it's 3:52am and way past bedtime! Check out their audio site if ya fancy a listen for yourself. I'm off t'bed. Nighty!


Anonymous said...

"we dragged ourselves outta bed and headed down to Dublin at the crack of dawn. Well was about lunchtime really."

That's early for us on our Dublin trips!! ;-)

" Yes, seats. Matt's old and Sarah has dodgy knees."

Ya know what I need? I need a cane. Then I can whack people with it, while saying "You young whippersnappers don't know how lucky you are! I hadda sell my knees so's I could buy some potatoes.... Pfft... you and your barenakedness...." ... Oh no wait... I'm not the old one, am I? ... Hmm... =P

*cough* Anyhoo, it was a fantabulous day! Great gig & great write-up! =)

And my mouth is still watering at the thought of those Oreo cookie milkshakes. MMMMMMMMMMM...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and Ed likes watching men pee.

tehehehe x

Jo said...

lol I just noticed ur red & teal nails in that pic and it made me giggle! =D

Anonymous said...

Oh yeh! I'd forgotten about that!! XD Still in Play Off mode, eh? hehehe

Hurry up with the next update! I want more now! =P