Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The f stop blues... (part 2...the artsy bit)

Giants Causeway, North Coast of Antrim

Mussendon Temple

Downhill, Causeway coast

Downhill, Causeway Coast

Downhill, Causeway Coast

A tourist packed Giants Causeway

Incidentally guys, I need names for these photos before they can go in my folio...any ideas or suggestions greatly welcomed...


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Wow, these are amazing and really make me want to be there right this second!!! I tell you what, I'll ponder on it a bit while you answer my questions and then we'll trade up, fair enough, talk @ ya' later shiny pretty girl....

Incredimom said...

Those are gorgeous!
I have no names for them, of course, but I wanted to let you know that I like them!

Jo said...

*blushes* wow thanks guys =)

xx jo

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

You are totally welcome, keep em' coming, pretty please.....

Anonymous said...

happy birthday chica!

hope you had a good one and ate loads of crap :) what's that now 19? sheesh you're getting on a bit aren't ya :P

awesome photos as usual...i will be there for the next one...i promise!


Jo said...

19? lol I wish!

Thanks babe catch ya later

xx jo

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

What's going on here? I miss shiny things & stuff, where are they(you)? Just checkin' up on what's picture or song worthy that's all, later...

Jo said...

Hey blu...my computer died on friday...so I haven't had long enough online to update...should be gettin it fixed tonight tho, so.... =)

xx jo

Jo said...

Gahh! Stupid computer! Still not working!! *runs away to sob quietly in a corner* =(

xx jo

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Great photos