Yes folks...I'm Back!
It's been a while I know...
It all started on the 6th May...the morning of my birthday. My computer figured that me getting old wasn't quite enough stress for me today, and decided to give me a little extra's demise.
Poor old Tiny (yes, I name my computers, shhh! =P) had passed on. My beloved computer was no more. He had ceased to be. He'd expired and gone to meet his maker (no silicone heaven? but where do all the calculaters go?) He was a stiff. Bereft of life, he was resting in peace. If he hadn't been nailed to the desk he would've been pushing up the daisies! He'd shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! Infact...this computer, was an ex-parrot!!
Eeesh. The hard drive had gone capoot. Thankfully everything important was backed up, but still, this meant buyin a new hd...which I did - a shiny 200gb one...only to find the motherboard couldn't take anything higher than 136gb. Time for a bios update? Well sure...if the floppy drive hadn't failed right after the hd. So with that, we ended up not only getting the new hd, but also a new motherboard, processor and ram as well. "Great" you might think..."fantastic"...a brand new computer that is surely now bound to work. Well...umm...i'm sure it would've been grand...had it have fitted in the old case! yes, two point five weeks and one shiny-ish new case later, and we were up and running. Basically I have a whole new computer with just three remaining donor parts - the graphics, usb2 and firewire cards. Poor Tiny is no more =(
matt fixin up me new pooter
I can't really be too sad though...the new pooter is like three times faster than Tiny...which is nice!
So...'wot did I get up to during those long internetless days?' I hear you ask...
Well...if you're sitting comfortably, I'll tell you...
As I've already said, the 6th was my birthday. I turned 25 and was in the midst of feeling very old. I'd never really had the birthday blues before, but I guess it had just hit me that the next big stop was 30. 30!! Eesh. It's not that I think 30 year olds are old by any's just I guess I still think of myself as still 19, despite the so called "grown up" things I've been doing now for the past few years like starting a business, getting engaged and looking to buy a house. And not just any old house you understand...but one with a garden, a garage, and a morgage over there by the swings and trampoline.
Yikes. My mum was married by 19 and here's me feeling old at 25.
But as the old saying goes "Growing old is manditory, growing up is optional". And just to prove it, one of the b'day pressies Matt bought me was a cute little kite called Eddie (yes, I name kites too =P now shhh!)
So off to the Vally Park we went to set Eddie free...
*sings* ...let's go fly a kite...
Mostly the rest of the time was spent fixing the computer, going to various friends weddings...
Ross & Ali ...just hitched
matt & myself at wedding ...dont we look just lovely
...oh yeh, and fixing my laptop, which decided to crap out just after I got the desktop fixed. Grrrrr.
This time the boys at Mplex weren't quite as much help as they had been with the we decided to go to an expert ;o)
Stewarty and his magical data recovery machine
Stewart was brilliant...he spent roughly 5hrs recovering all the data from the HD. Cheers Stew! the time it sank in that I had lost two computers in just under three weeks, my head was spinning...
Tyson tried to help by finding me a good shrink in the Yellow Pages...
My doggie Tyson - he's a big Jimmy Nesbit fan...
...but personally, I found this worked a whole lot better ;o) ....
my two best friends - Ben & Jerry
which in the end benefited Tyson more than anyone as he helped walk off the "half Baked Cookie Dough & Double Choc Fudge Brownie"!
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