Jeepers I've been bad with the updating again. Been way too distracted lately. Kept meaning to post...just...didn't.
Well...I'm here now, and that's all that matters =P
Lets wot have I been up to over the last couple of weeks...
Well first of all, Matt and I took a lovely wee trip to Belfast Zoo to see Kandy, the kangaroo that my primary school class adopted when I was, like, 8 (*cries* no it's not dead it's the same one! it says so on the display board! *wibbly lip*) ...and of course, Paxton the Penguin, who was adopted a couple of years ago by the unforgettable ex-Belfast Giant, Paxton Schulte.
We also had a rare up-close and personal moment with the zoo's newest 14 month old resident...
A keeper pulled up in his van as we were standing in awe right in front of this beautiful creature... He said we were extremely privileged, as he almost never ventures inside, usually prefering to hide away somewhere out in the open part of the enclosure...the lion that is, not the keeper...
We also had the NIXX bus trip to Portrush.
We got a fantistic day for it - the sun was shining, the drunk people were singing... was all great craic, and as you may or may not know from reading either Matt or Sarah's blog, we even invented a new game.
Bum Forts & Arse Castles.
Yes. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? The general idea is that it's played on a beach and participants sit round in a big circle and build sand forts around themselves...then you simply take one bouncy ball, which you won with great skill on a Whack Attack stylee game earlier that day, and take turns to pelt it at the walls of each others fort, with the aim of breaking them down and conquering victoriously! Woohoo! I just know you're all running to find a sand pit as we speak...err...type / read, wotever =P
Anyhoo....the reason for the name? (come on, you know you were wondering...) Well...if you refer to the above pic, you may be just able to make out our very lovely bum prints in the center of each fort. Somehow, at the time, this seemed a very reasonable thing to name the game after...and we were the ones that hadn't been drinking...
![]( the sun went down and Sterling and Gavin donned their secret porn identity masks, we all (apart from those who were drunk and couldn't find a way off their bar stool) gathered back on the bus and went home...
Thee end.
*takes a bow*
xx jo