My word for today said: "Impossible? Not with God. Humanly speaking, many situations are hopeless but with God all things are possible."
I haven't been posting lately, and I'm sorry.
At the beginning of December, my cat Sylvestor got spooked by a dog and managed to escape as she was going into the vets on the Lisburn road, the other side of Belfast miles from home. Less than a week later my 16 year old dog Sam passed away.
Now i know this may seem trivial to a whole lot of people. But to me, these arn't just pets, they're part of my family.
We're still looking for Syl. Posters and flyers have gone out. The local newspaper even picked it up as a story just before Christmas.
There've been a few sightings here and there, but they always seem to come too late. Like someone see's her at around 4pm, but waits untill after 7 to call. *sigh* by then she's long gone.
Now, it's not that I don't appreciate them taking the time to call. I do. I really do.
Infact, it's really opened up my eyes to how many people actually give a rats ass, and it continues to surprise me just how kind people can really be.
I mean, with all the picking and fighting over such stupid issues over here - lose a family pet and everyone regardless of race, age, colour or religion rallys round to help. It's fantastic. People are wonderful. I don't even think any of them realise just how much it means to me that they've bothered to take the time to call...even if it's just to ask if we've found her yet. Everyone's been great and I truly appreciate it.
Anyways, I know it's been nearly a month, but to God that is nothing. We keep looking for her, not by sight, but by faith.
I want her home. I miss her. Please, please pray we get her home and that she's safe in the meantime. Thank you.
Awww, I'm sorry to hear about your babies. And I hope your kitty turns up soon.
Thank too =(
I'm sorry for your loss jo and I hope you find her. If you don't maybe its because her duties have become needed somewhere else or it was just her time to shine. I understand completely as I have had much loss in my life. Zoom is sounding really good right now, later....
Thanks blu *hug*
Just checkin' on ya' jo, hope you doin' o.k., later...
P.S. eMail me
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