Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
So I started to doodle earlier.
Not my finest work I admit, but then again, I guess not bad for ten minutes random scrawl either. It looks like a half viable human being, right?
**edit @ 24th Feb 4:05am**
...just then my obsessively compulsive perfectionism kicked in and I couldn't leave it alone.
K...I'm done now I swear. =/
*click thumbnails for full images*
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1:52 am
shiny comments
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
McFrickin' McMorons
So we had a vow - Thou Shalt Not Eat junk Food. But we were stuck. There was no food in the house and Tescos had closed for the evening.
It was our own fault really for expecting anything different, but we like to give people the benefit of the doubt once in a while. A secret hope that things will change, that they will get better.
(That was actually our 2nd mistake.)
Picture the scene: Saturday evening, Matt & I starving because we accidentally got distracted and forgot to eat all day. ( hey, it happens! =P ) Anyhoo, so being that every other option had been fully exhausted, we decided to go for the...umm..."easy" option. Thats right folks, good old Mickey D's.
(That, of course, had been our first.)
McDonalds. When you say that name, what does it conjour up in your mind? For me it's 4 things - Untrained monkeys, wrong orders, filthy restrooms, and Disney toys.
Now in all fairness, I'm quite partial to the Disney toys, but the other 3 make me wanna drown the untrained monkeys in their year old chip fat. Harsh? Maybe...but you know if the opportunity arose you'd be only too happy to help.
We pull up at the drive-thru window...
Monkey #1: *in fully millie dialect* "Whaddya want?"
Matt: "Can I get one Big Mac Meal and a plain Double Cheese Burger Meal...that's 'plain' - no dressing, just the cheese please."
Monkey #1: "Aye a'right, whaddyer drinks?"
Matt: "Are your milkshake machines working?"
Monkey #1: "Aye."
Matt: "Great, can we get one chocolate..."
Monkey #2: "oh, wait, der's no chacklat."
Matt: "Ah, right, ok, well can we get two strawberry ones then?"
Monkey #1: "Aye."
*Monkey #1 turns away to ring in the order on the till, then suddenly swings back round to us again*
Monkey #1: "Whaat wuz dat flaver ya wannad again?"
Matt: *looking confused* "Strawberry. Both. Please."
Monkey #1: "Right, 'way on up der t'tha next windie"
*We drive on towards the collection window, and finally arrive at it some 20mins later*
Matt: "Ello."
*Monkey #2 hands us a bag of food*
Monkey #2: "There's no milkshakes, whaddya want ta drink?"
Me: "Could you not have told us that at the last window?"
Monkey #2: "S'brokan. Whaddya want?"
Matt: "It broke in the last couple of minutes did it?"
Monkey#2: "S'gonna coss me five thousan' quid ta get a new'un. Whaddya want?"
Me: "Well, I'm sure McDonalds can afford a new machine *sigh* Fanta please."
Matt: "Two Fanta's please."
Monkey #2: "Der's no faunta. Whaddya want?"
*cue sweet, sweet smiles from us*
Matt: "Well...how bout you tell us what you do have."
Monkey #2: "uuhh...der's Sprite, orange, an' waadder."
Matt: "A Sprite and an orange then."
*while we're waiting I check our order in the bag*
Me: "Umm...they have given us a Double Cheese Burger Meal and a McChicken Sandwich meal *sigh*"
Matt: "We ordered a Big Mac Meal" *hands Monkey #2 the McCardboard Sandwich back*
*she hands us the Big Mac and drinks and we drive home with a distinct look of disdain on our faces*
*We get home and start to re build our disheveled burgers which never look like the one's in the ad's*
Matt: "Oh for fecksake they've given me a dressed burger!"
Me: "Idiots" *lifts the top of my burger bun* "Umm...honey..."
Why yes thats right folks it does get worse - my burger had a bite out of it.
Yes, you did hear me correctly, I said a bite out of it.
A BITE!!!!! Teeth marks an' everything! I mean for fricksake! *rolls eyes*
Anyhoo, I was "prevented" from going down to tear out some throats with the distraction of a milkshake from Burger King, but believe me, photographs and a strong worded letter will be landing on the desk of a McCEO very soon.
(Apologies for the length, I needed a rant. And if you need any millie-speak translated, just ask. I had to learn to speak fluent millie back in the days when I worked in The Moviehouse.)
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11:53 pm
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
In need of a spell in detention?
Get it? Get it? *goes into Python's 'Nudge Nudge, Wink, Wink' sketch*
Well, no, you probably don't if you're not called Shiny Sarah...and let me assure you - it's really best not to ask.
So, yeh, for some reason I haven't been able to stop giggling wildly at absolutely everything today. Even if it's not really all that funny. I told you I was weird, didn't I?
I think it's probably the direct result of not sleeping for what's now almost 3 months. Yes. That would do it every time i guess. You can only go so long before insanity sets in.
I s'pose it could be worse. I could have been permantly marooned on the island of grumpyness that usually accompanies lack of sleep. Thankfully...that phase sufficiently passed a couple of weeks ago, and for now I've decided to embrace the hysterical laughter that has ensued.
It's much more fun that way.
So, now for a list. A shortened, well edited list, I promise.
Things Wot Made Me Giggle Non-Stop Today.
1. PotterPuffs. Now I know Shiny Sarah showed me these long ago, but I randomly stumbled across the site while I wasnt sleeping, and only now do I fully appreciate their genius.
**click on image for larger view**
2. My convo with Shiny Sarah this afternoon. I shall refrain from detail, due to the "wot goes on in our shiny wee world, stays in our shiny wee world" rule, but I will point out that we now have a 'weirdness competition' due to start during our "We Miss You! *lip wibble* road-trip". Initial plans can be found on Shiny's blog. Refering you to my previous "A British Werewolf in Walmart" post, I'm pretty sure I have a good head start for the win.
3. Watching new Scrubs. Giggles ahoy! Nuff said.
4. Matt using his glass of Fanta to catch the random splodges of rainwater from the torrential downpour, which had bizarrely started to make their way through the conservatory roof and onto his chest as we were watching said epi's of Scrubs. It just made me giggle more.
5. Matt, not content with me crippled on the sofa in a fit laughter, waiting till I was taking a sip of my un-rain-watered-down drink, before he told me to be careful not to giggle while drinking. Guess wot happened.
6. Matts 'Alan Rickman' impression. It sounds nothing like him, and is much more like that dude Kenneth Williams from the Carry-On movies, but it's still hillarious =D
7. Unfortunate Valentines Cards. Yoinked from Shiny's blog, cause it almost made me fall off my chair giggling.
8. Looking through old piccys of "me and my merry band of weirdo's" with Lu, from our old hockey away trips. Yikes they all seem like a lifetime ago.
Here's a few of them to make ya laugh and point...
**click on image for larger view; hover mouse over image for caption**
Anyways, I'll stop now...typing that is, not giggling! =D
Catch y'all later!
xx jo
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11:27 pm
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Moosical Tag
It seems I've been tagged by Bill:
The rules: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.
1. Shirt, by Peter Mulvey
2. Lost in You, by The Sugababes ....and yeh, I know I hate them, but I havent been able to stop singing it since I re-watched 'Love Actually' last week... heart that movie =)
3. Beautiful Disaster, by Kelly Clarkson
4. oh, and, Addicted, by Kelly Clarkson ...I'm convinced it should be used in one of the ending montages of an episode of Lost...
5. One Eye Open, by The Brakes
6. The Trouble With Poets, by Peter Mulvey
7. Crush, by Dave Matthews
I Tag: Matt (who hasn't done it yet), blu, bluezzzgirl, Lu, Kaz, and anyone else who feels up to the challange!
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3:48 pm
1 shiny comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day everyone =)
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
I Corinthians 13:4-8
Age does not protect you from love,
but love, to some extent, protects you from age.
- Jeanne Moreau
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1:04 pm
1 shiny comments
Monday, February 13, 2006
Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little! Chicken Little!! =D
It's fun-flippin-tastic! I giggled and squee'd the whole way through...yeh, shocker, I know! lol
Go see it!
xx jo
...oh yeh, and remember...heart the Braff, people, heart the Braff.
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2:08 am
shiny comments
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
"A British Werewolf in Walmart"
starring Alan Rickman.
Umm... Normally this is the point where one would attempt to deny the insanity, but no...no, I'm pretty sure I have in fact gone mad.
Ok, well...I'll at least try to explain.
As you all probably know by now, I am once again back in that old cycle of insomnia that seems to plague me on quite a regular basis. I thought I had managed to finally kick it last year, but no. It's back with a vengeance.
So, cutting a long story short, as I hadn't managed to fall asleep before 5am since the beginning of December, I decided to have a girly-relaxie day to see if stress might've been a factor. I spent the early part of the afternoon watching Sense & Sensibility and eating a lovely lunch, then the later part of the afternoon & early evening soaking in our lovely big stand-alone bath for roughly an hour and a half. I hadn't originally meant to spend quite so long in it, but Shiny Sarah had bought me a 'Bath Bar' from Lush which made the water all shiny and bright red. ...and it smelt like cola bottle sweeties! *grin*
Aaaanyhoo, after spending the remainder of the night snuggled up with Matt in front of the telly, I actually managed to fall asleep before 2am. Wow I felt good in the morning. The best I've felt in aaaaages. And I even had time to dream before I had to wake up...
...which leads me to the title of my post.
Thing is, I always dream in movies. Camera angles. The perfect lighting and score. Hollywood would be proud. This years box office blockbuster will most definately be 'A British Werewolf in Walmart'.
...They were everywhere. Running up and down the freezer aisles. Ripping up the bananas, terrorizing the checkout assistants. Then I made friends with one in the breakfast aisle. I had only just started petting it on the nose and feeding it Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, when all of a sudden, Alan Rickman suddenly appeared from the corner of the canned goods section, dressed in his best Colonel Brandon stylee outfit.
Yes. I know. Believe me...I know.
Anyways, I've decided to dedicate this post to Mr Rickman. A fantastic British talent, who turns down movies for theater work, but still has time to star in my head.
So check out my 3 Rickman picks:
(Macromedia Flash Player required to view videos, click HERE to download)
"Stalking Alan Rickman" ( - The funniest thing I've read in a long time)
Turner Movie Classics - Alan Rickman Painting With Light 01/2003
Texas "In Demand"
- music video (...I know, I found it random too!)
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12:16 am
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