"A British Werewolf in Walmart"
starring Alan Rickman.
Umm... Normally this is the point where one would attempt to deny the insanity, but no...no, I'm pretty sure I have in fact gone mad.
Ok, well...I'll at least try to explain.
As you all probably know by now, I am once again back in that old cycle of insomnia that seems to plague me on quite a regular basis. I thought I had managed to finally kick it last year, but no. It's back with a vengeance.
So, cutting a long story short, as I hadn't managed to fall asleep before 5am since the beginning of December, I decided to have a girly-relaxie day to see if stress might've been a factor. I spent the early part of the afternoon watching Sense & Sensibility and eating a lovely lunch, then the later part of the afternoon & early evening soaking in our lovely big stand-alone bath for roughly an hour and a half. I hadn't originally meant to spend quite so long in it, but Shiny Sarah had bought me a 'Bath Bar' from Lush which made the water all shiny and bright red. ...and it smelt like cola bottle sweeties! *grin*
Aaaanyhoo, after spending the remainder of the night snuggled up with Matt in front of the telly, I actually managed to fall asleep before 2am. Wow I felt good in the morning. The best I've felt in aaaaages. And I even had time to dream before I had to wake up...
...which leads me to the title of my post.
Thing is, I always dream in movies. Camera angles. The perfect lighting and score. Hollywood would be proud. This years box office blockbuster will most definately be 'A British Werewolf in Walmart'.
...They were everywhere. Running up and down the freezer aisles. Ripping up the bananas, terrorizing the checkout assistants. Then I made friends with one in the breakfast aisle. I had only just started petting it on the nose and feeding it Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, when all of a sudden, Alan Rickman suddenly appeared from the corner of the canned goods section, dressed in his best Colonel Brandon stylee outfit.
Yes. I know. Believe me...I know.
Anyways, I've decided to dedicate this post to Mr Rickman. A fantastic British talent, who turns down movies for theater work, but still has time to star in my head.
So check out my 3 Rickman picks:
(Macromedia Flash Player required to view videos, click HERE to download)
"Stalking Alan Rickman" ( - The funniest thing I've read in a long time)
Turner Movie Classics - Alan Rickman Painting With Light 01/2003
Texas "In Demand"
- music video (...I know, I found it random too!)
*wants to paint with light now*
me too!!! lol
Well I have painted with light, No Bullshit!!!
I really envy the dreaming movie scripts and think that if you can come up with a way to harness and market this ability then you could be filthy rich with every rating possible and all I ask is that you send me the negatives, later jo....
=( I wanna paint with light
grrr *shakes fist in the air* see wot you've started Rickman! lol =)
...I'll invite you to the premiere blu!
I can't wait Jo, How are things outside the Dream World? I'm bored send me some pics so I can spruce em up for you, pretty please with cherries and cream and all sorts of stuff on top, later...
Busy painting with light....hahahahahehehehe, whewww this is fun...!!!!
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