Sunday, February 12, 2006


=/ iAttire *blinkblink*


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I'm flabbergasted, who knew?

Clothes for iPods? What is the world coming to?

I'm glad you found this now and I was able to see it before I ran into it out on the street because that may have been a traumatic experience for lil' blu's head, hahahahehehehohoho, later jo....


Jo said...

Yep...I found it on shiny sarahs site hehehe...she forages (for useless info) well *giggles & pets sarah on head*

*shushs Bill & ushers him away* ...well if you insist on walking around with a naked Gigabeat, thats up to you, but it's obviously just obscene! ...*tisk!*