Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Bathday!

So, today I gave Tyson a bath...

Tyson in the bath...mmmm soapy taste! ...soaking wet! Tyson

...and on a completely separate note -
Stuff 'n' Shiny Things is 1 year old today! =)


Anonymous said...

OMG!! That is the most adorable doogie I've seen in awhile!

A chihuahua (I love to say it 'chi-hoooa-hooooa'), right??!

Thanks for sharing those pics.

Jo said...

lmao yeh my ickle chihuahua =)

I told him you thought he was cute and he got all essited and now wants you to come throw his squeaky toy for him =D

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

That puppy is adorable...but so are you...

R. said...

UUUUUUU! AAAAAAWWWW! *trying to regain coherence* That`s abssolutly ......foofy! And gorgeous! My Pechinese`s in love too! :)