Saturday, March 04, 2006

*sings* ...some people stand in the darkness...

So last night I was flicking tv channels (bare in mind I was upstairs and only had 4 to choose from) when I landed on some bizzare sci-fi movie starring David Hasselhoff. Further research this morning shows the film to be "Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD" *ahem*

Due to the fact he was wearing an eye patch I felt compelled to watch it.

It a car crash.


R. said...

A car crash, eh? Horrible but you couldn`t stop watching it? :) I think I`ve missed that piece. Such a pity. Tisk, Tisk,Tisk. :D
So there`s someone else here on Blogger besides myself and Moro! Yay! Baawk!

Jo said...

lol yeh thats exactly it! ...and worst of all, I now cant get the theme tune to baywatch outta my head! bah!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jo! I don't think I've ever popped in here, so I wanted to say hello! I'm Jen!

David Hasselhoff cracks me up! Have you ever seen this site:

He is simultaneously compelling AND repulsive! And he's got to be the hairiest man ever to grace the small screen!

R. said...

Hmmm, Jen has a point there but I have to put Andy Garcia in the race too. See Godfather III for future reference. :) There IS one big difference though. I happen to REALLY LIKE Andy Garcia. Why? Because he happens to act. ;)

Jo said...

LMAO! But the two of you are forgetting one who is hairier than both (seeing as we're already somehow into this discussion lol) - Robin Williams....tho as with Andy Garcia, he too can act!

Basically, what we're saying is that Hasselhoff has no real stand out features apart from his bad acting, his eye patch in that movie, and bizare singing career in Japan...
Well, there's no accounting for taste!

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

car crash exciting or car crash can't bare to do it again....

I used to love DH in knight Rider but that was that and now there is no Knight Rider, I'm sad about that....

Jo said...

The "its horrible but I can look away" car crash lol

See Knight Rider rocked...(and still does on UKTV!) was mainly the car tho...I sooo wanted KITT

Jo said...

ja, ist es ohne Zweifel!

Kaz said...

i feel sick

Jo said...

Hasselhoff or Hangover? =P

... said...

this nearly made me spit apple on my keyboard...just imagining hasselfoff with an eye patch. :) i leave you with these:

Jo said...

*rotflmao!!!* hahahaha that second one's a classic *snigger* =D