Saturday, April 30, 2005

Give this man a round of a applause and a big fat DUI !!!

Well done sir! I see someone wasn't listening to all those thousands of road safety ad's that run on tv all day every day...

*note the lovely new angle of our telegraph pole

So last night I had been out with Matt, Raj and Sarah, up at the Odyssey watching 'Hitch' (yes, yes it is the second time I've seen it...but Kevin James just cracks me up...) and returned home only to find THIS outside my door...

"atmospheric" photo of the drunk's totalled car ...I'm pretty sure this is how he saw it too...idiot

After dropping Sarah home we decided to grab a bite to eat...which I guess added a good 45mins onto our travel time...

CAN U IMAGINE IF WE HADN'T???!!! Matt's car would have been parked there! Or it could have been us he crashed just doesn't bare thinking about...

My first thought as we pulled up was "oh lord don't let that be dads car" as it was the same colour and from a distance roughly the same size. My knees nearly went from under me as I ran up the street

I thank God it wasn't. His car was still tucked neatly in the driveway, and he and mum were fast asleep in bed...didn't even hear the almighty bang of the crash...

All the neighbours were out in the street...some said the car was being chased...but y'all know what nosey neighbour gossip can be like!

The driver had been pulled out of the car by the time we got there and was being questioned in the back of the police car. Drunk. He was feckin DRUNK! What an idiot. He could have killed someone! He had hit another car, but thankfully the girl was ok...a bit shaken up, but physically ok...

The telegraph pole was another story...the hit had taken it right out of the ground and it was kinda balancing by it's wires. Somehow though we still had a line from our phone...go figure...

The BT guys have been out there all morning fixing it. Think they've managed to get it upright again! *applauds*

Anyways...moral of this story folks... Never EVER drink & drive's not big, and it's not clever.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Favouritest song...ever!!!

Well, much of today was spent down at the Odyssey Arena in Belfast at a Business Ireland trade show, where companies get the chance to meet potential clients and other business contacts face-to-face, showcase new products and services, and raise awareness of company activities blah blah blah blah...

I had been asked to attend as a guest of the Prince's Trust, and the general idea was that I could go meet people, show off my portfolio, hand out cards etc...and then also be there to testify that the Prince's Trust was an essential component in helping me get my business off the ground...which incidentally they were.

Anyhoo, besides the random 'networking', most of my day was spent catching up with an old work buddy, Kerry, from the
Cinemagic days...salivating over the new Mac Powerbook complete with the shiny new Tiger OS...and having my business cards slagged off by Todd Kelman, who then tried to convince me his printing company could do them much better...hmmph...well, we'll see! =P

Anyways...when I got home I logged on to msn messenger for some general chit-chat and amusement whilst I waited on Matty coming over with food...he'd nipped home after dropping me off so he could shower and change after work...tho not necessarily in that order...

Sarah, the shiny one, was online so we exchanged pleasantries, caught up on the days events and then proceeded to update her music collection...

(It turned out to be the right time to do this as Matt ended up taking two and a half hours to shower and change....*blinkblink* whyeee, I ask you?! At least when I take forever I have a 'makeuping' excuse...but anyhoo...)

A couple of the cd's she had previously foraged for on my behalf in Nottingham (during the
playoff weekend) were Ben Harper's 'Burn To Shine' and 'There Will Be A Light' with the Blind Boys Of I figured it was only right she hear a couple of the songs, which of course will eventually enrich her life in many many ways...

So as I was flipping through the tracks on
iTunes, deciding which she needed to hear most...I was listening to one called 'Not Fire, Not Ice' which was on his 'Ground On Down' single. THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the one! My absolute favouritest song ever. If you havent heard it, go out and buy it...right now...go on!

Well with this in mind I decided to revive my Top 5's that I used to do every six months or so when I was a kid....don't laugh, I had a little book for them an' everythin'!

I'm thinking I might do them a bit more frequently than that, but whatever I may as well start with this months Top 5 most listened to songs, seeing as this is kinda were we're stemming from. I'm actually taking the play count data directly from iTunes, so here goes...

Top 5 Frequently played Songs of April 2005

5. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
4. Temporary Remedy - Ben Harper
3. High Tide or Low Tide - Ben Harper & Jack Johnson
2. Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
...and at number 1... Not Fire, Not Ice - Ben Harper

Yes folks, as you can see there is a bit of a running theme here...

Despite me having more music than MTV itself, I just cant seem to tear myself away from these two particular musical geniuses...and you'll just have to stay posted to see if that changes over the next few weeks =P

In the meantime, go buy everything ever penned or recorded by both of them...honestly, once your bank balance realigns itself with the circling of venus, you will thank me for it...I promise! ;o)

xx jo

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's Here! It's Here!! =D

Devils Jersey (front)

=D Yay! How exciting is it when you run downstairs in the morning to find a nice big shiny parcel waiting for you to open? It rocks, doesnt it?


*giggles* I'm a tad excited...and yes, very very sad ;o) lol

Incidentally this thing is huge...across the chest from arm to arm it stretches 6ft...eek! That's some reach!

It has a reasonable amount of wear for only being worn during the away play off games, some puck marks, a couple of holes in the right sleeve, stretched and now wonky lettering and some sticky stuff from the stick tape on the right arm =)

I'm sure I'll get a pic taken asap of me getting lost in it and when I do, I'll post it here...I haven't even had a chance to see how it measures up to Paxtons yet!

Right, gotta run do something that's considered "constructive"

Catch y'all later

xx jo

Devils Jersey (back)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

...can you tell I'm bored?

*sigh* ...lack of sleep does strange things to ya folks...

Tonight in my intense state of tiredness I've suddenly become ponderous of many many silly if Hooters were to become a door-to-door service would they have to change their name to Knockers? When you snap your fingers, does the sound occur when your middle finger releases from your thumb, or when your middle finger hits the palm of your hand? Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? ...and just what the feck was Captian Hook's name, before he had a hook for a hand? eh?

...answers on a postcard....

Jersey Status: Not here yet *pout*

Eye Status: Twitching

Sunday, April 17, 2005


*grins mischeiviously* I love auctions...

I cant help it. It's such a great feeling when you finally get that thing you've been watching so intently for the last 2 weeks.

I'm a big fan of sniping in at the last minute on ebay. A fixed ending time on an item makes it all so easy. But what happens when the item you want has a clause that all bidding must have ended for a solid 5 minutes before the auction will close...

Well...I'll tell ya...


*clears throat*

'scuse me...*re-composes self* ...well, I almost had's just waaay too much pressure... You think you've finally got it when no one has bid after 4mins and 50 seconds....then in comes some git bidding 400 million squid more than you can afford!!

eesh! I originally had my eye on Craigheads #88 red road jersey, but as the bid's went on during the first week, this went quite a bit higher than the white home one.

Today was the final day of the auction and, as the bids hadnt really changed from the week before, I turned my attention to the home shirt.

I waited, not so patiently, till the last minute of play then entered my bid...and I was immediately outbid by someone else by the time the page reloaded. I tried again. Right, I had the high bid. The ending time was up and the five minutes of overtime started counting down...with ten seconds left I refreshed the browser....aaarrrghh! I had been outbid AGAIN! I tried once more...and then again...and just one last time...but I'm pretty sure, whoever this annoying little rat was, must have had £500, or maybe more, on the final bid for this shirt was 460 quid! Yikes!

Now I know it's not unusual for a jersey to go for this amount, and maybe even more...but as much as I like Craighead, I wouldn't have imagined his jersey reaching the 500 mark....anyhoo...

I quickly flicked back to my original choice of the red shirt...and to my surprise bidding had hardly changed...yay! ...I quickly rushed a bid through and was the highbidder...finally...

The overtime started again...eesh I couldnt handle this...I was soo tense, my heart going nine to the dozen...

With 2 minutes to go suddently the time sprang back to 5 minutes again! I almost passed out, but I still had the high bid...for now...

All I could think was, 'ok, whoever that last bidder was, he didn't get it that time...he'll be back'... hand reached for the whiskey...

Two seconds left on the clock and I did the dreaded refresh...I still had it...holy crap! Refresh! REFRESH!!!

The browser stuttered for what seemed like an hour...just for dramatic effect...but finally when it came to, the auction had closed...

I had it!! Yay! Go me!

Now I just cant wait to get it! It's like XXXL, and the weirdo hockey freak in me just want's to measure it against mum's Mel Angelstad jersey and my Paxton Schulte one...I'm just gonna assume it wont be as big as any of the Mike Torchia ones! =/ ...but I'll let ya know! lol

Eeeee I'm all esscited! ...the only probem now being - how the hell am I gonna get rid of this fixed grin?!

xx jo =D

John Craighead in his red road jersey
EIHL Auctions

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just couple more pic's from playoff weekend... =)

Jason Cugnet Posted by Hello ...............and Mike Hicks Posted by Hello

Johnny Craighead Posted by Hello

Sarah & Maxi Posted by Hello ......................and the Cardiff bench Posted by Hello

Devils v Panthers Posted by Hello

Raj confuses Matt with the power of his Berry Juice Posted by Hello

Come fly with me...

(Monday 11th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day three)
(...going home)

Next morning, despite all odds, we woke up bright and early.....well...early, anyways...

To be honest we didnt have much of a choice if we wanted to go up into town before boarding our coach at 11:45am to head back to Birmingham Airport.

Matt had been wanting to go up to the guitar shop behind the arena all weekend, so finally he was to get his wish. Lu had already gone out with Sarah and her parentals for the morning, and Raj was ill in his room, so it was just the two of us.

The shop wasn't really that interesting and some guy was playing geetar really badly in the corner so we left sharpish and went to find breakfast.

As we were walking up the hill into town we heard oxo calling from in a little hidden sandwich bar....which was handy - breakfast solved! We ordered and headed to Starbucks to retrieve everyone their morning coffee.

We got back to the hotel with about 20mins to spare, ate, then checked out.
Our coach was waiting outside and our coffee foraging came as a welcome remedy to the night before. Lu was still wondering what had happened to her shoes.

With weekend banter exchanged, Sterling did a head count...but something wasn't totalling up...
Somehow we had one more on the bus than we should've had.

He checked again...

HELGA! Joe's new girlfriend had somehow managed to stow away with us on the bus...
Sterling tried to tell her she couldn't come with us, but she looked so deflated he decided to let her stay...

She even managed to sweet talk the FlyBE staff into letting her on the flight without a passport (!) and Joe carried her the whole way through checkin, security checks, and onto the plane...boy she had them all whipped ;o)

On the way through the xray at security it was discovered she was having twins! TWINS! Slapper...she's only 14!

The happy couple: Joe & Helga Posted by Hello

By the time we got to the the flight gate everyone was wrecked...again. Especially Bill who had been spotted lying on the floor of the bar the night before trying to re-inflate Helgas ego... *cough* (sorry Bill lol)

Bill...hungover =P Posted by Hello

Finally, after a rather smooth flight, we made it home, all safe and sound.

I cant believe the seasons finished again. It's aways sooo nice to see all our hockey friends from all over the country, all in one place...even for just a small time...and it sucks when it's over.
I know it's only a few months till September and everything starts over again, but's gonna be such a long summer...

xx jo

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Flights to Nottingham: £65 ...2 nights in hotel: £70 to playoff finals: £60 ...finally getting that photo with Craighead: priceless!

Giants flag outside the NIC Arena Posted by Hello

(Sunday 10th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day two)
(Part 2)

In the break between games we headed back into town. It had gotten all sunny by this time and between my hair blowing round my face and the sun's glare in my eyes I could barely see!

I had remembered to pack sunglasses...everyone else had I was out-voted in going back to the hotel first to get them. We'd call in on the way back...

By the time we got to the center, everyone had gone off the idea of food. It was such a lovely day that we decided to just sit outside and relax for a while.
Now, you wouldn't think this would be any sort of traumatic's just...finding a clear spot, preferably near the fountains, and sitting down...EESH! I'm pretty sure we walked aimlessly round the square for about 20mins before I (yes, twas me!) took charge and directed everyone to a spot on a wall.

We sat there for a while, just chatting and watching the world go by, when right out of the blue the bin next to us swung open and molested sarah! We added bins to our tram and decided it was time to go...

We did call in to the hotel on the way back to the arena, though by this time getting my sunglasses was pointless as we were going straight in to the game. Screw it, I thought...and wore them anyway =P hehehe

To be honest watching our two biggest rival teams, the Nottingham Panthers and the Coventry Blaze, battle it out for the silverware was painful. Thankfully Dr Raj had a remedy...his dads special berry juice. It's basically just a home brew that was added to an Ice Blast Slushy and became known as "Gummy Berry Juice", thanks to Lu and her random naming of things ;o)

the cure Posted by Hello

It was a great game of hockey, and that was all well and good...but I'd spent the entire weekend dandering round the arena and hadn't bumped into Mr Craighead once =(
As you can imagine I had aquired a rather pouty lip by this stage *sniffle*

The final game went into sudden death overtime, with some huge stops from both goalies, but in the end the Chaventry Blaze managed to score the winning goal and lift their burberry covered trophy in true chav style.... *sigh* was a good goal...

We left them to their celebrations and headed out into the foyer. Suddenly something big and pink caught my eye. No, it wasnt a giant alien blamonge from the monty python sketch...although, after all that Gummy Berry Juice, it could well have been! ...but no! Twas the man himself, John Craighead...yay! Finally I was able to get a couple of photos that I took of him signed (see previous "giants v devils" post for photo example) and, of course I couldn't resist having one taken there and then =)

Me&JC Posted by Hello

Yay me! That sooo made my weekend =)

All that was left to do now was to head to the bar and watch various people write all over Lu's shoes, socks and hat...which by the way, she still doesnt remember happening ;o) muhahaha...
That'll be the JD and Beechams effect, eh Lulabell?

I think matt's lovely out of focus...err, I mean "atmospheric" pic of me & raj kinda captures the berry juice effects nicely ;o) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

"It's only girls wear pink!"

(Sunday 10th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day two)
(Part 1)

Sunday morning was finals day, which started off with a game between the England and Scotland U18's. Due to lack of sleep the night before, we decided to miss this game in favour of a lie-in. (Honestly, it's really not that much fun...scotland never stand a chance, it's the same every year)
We took our time getting ready then met up with Sarah (who managed to get up on time for the 1st game) for lunch.

We had been headed to a bar called The Pit & The Pendulum, but that idea was cut short when, due to Englands silly sunday licencing laws, the bouncer asked for Id. See, I didnt mind this as I am now well past the legal age and therefore felt all complimented and young again...but unfortunately with Sarah being only ickle, we had to make alternate arrangements.

The only place we could think of, that wasnt either a pub or of the Burger King variety, was the Hard Rock Cafe. We were on our way to it when out of nowhere we were jumped by a rougue tram that I'm pretty sure was after Lu's handbag...*phew* thankfully though, it missed! It's a good job too, as she also has a phobia of trams as well! As we dandered up the road we imagined the most horrible thing we could - A velvet covered tram, filled with wasps (which matt hates), moths (which I loooath..yuk!) and people touching the underside of their wrists (yes folks...sarah is strange too!)...nightmare!

When we got close to the HRC doors we could hear Dave Matthews calling us in. Yes this was the place!
Sooo different to the Hard Rock in actually played rock music the entire time we were in it... (...not a single Corrs song in sight!) ...and the walls had proper rock memorabilia...not just the Elton John cast off's we got stuck with...

With our food ordered, Matt of course requesting all healthy produce be banished from his plate, we added veggies to our tram of terror and waited patiently on our drinks.

They arrived quickly...fizzy water with lemon...err...I'm sure I ordered Pepsi... (Well, actually I had ordered Coke, but nowhere in Nottingham sells it. Only Pepsi.)

Anyhoo, unlike the Hard Rock in Belfast, the drinks were quickly changed without hassle...and even more unlike the Hard Rock in Belfast, I didnt feel ill after eating the meal...

By the time we finished stuffing our faces, we had missed warmups...which was a shame as I was told the two teams, the Cardiff Devils and the Sheffield Steelers, actually warmed up together...passing the puck back and forth, and shooting at each others net.

Cardiff was without Craighead, but instead had their number one goalie, Cugnet, playing in d, and had their back-up in nets...

...It was at this point that I began to wonder just how seriously this "race for 3rd place" was being taken...

Our fans spent the entire game chanting, cheering and just generally having a good time.
I think we had a chant for pretty much everyone in the arena....

For the Comets (Nottinghams cheerleaders): "Comets, Comets give us a wave" ...they did wave, but it had to be this whole big coreographed move, so we then chanted "You only wave when you're told to...wave when you're told toooo..." Essh! They were soo dull. They barely moved during the game. Actually made us appreciate our own pom-pom flingers! Cue chant of "Bring on the G-Crew!"

For the officials: Firstly Mike Hicks who was refereeing the game...various yells of "Hey Hicksy, learn to spell!" ...and chants of "Belfart *clap clap clap*" ...let me just explain this for you... Mike Hicks owns a company called Shinedog, and is (allegedly *cough*) personally responsible for doctoring the logo on the inside of our jerseys to read "Belfart Giants" instead of course of "Belfast Giants" ...hmm...

Then Nigel Boniface...he was standing down below us at the plexi watching the game with a couple of other guys...first there was "Nigel, Nigel give us a wave" ...which, eventually, he did....and then came "He's tall, he's thin...he'll put you in the bin...Boniface, Boniface" Which I think was his personal favourite ;o)

For Craighead: He was watching the game down at the plexi near us... Of course it started with the traditional "Johnny, Johnny give us a wave", but he didn't, so it turned into "'s only girls wear's only girls wear pink" ...which gave him, and everyone else in the arena a bit of a giggle! =)

wot is it with these damn pink shirts?! Posted by Hello

For the fans: We started with Cardiff and worked our way round every team represented in the arena.... "Devils, Devils give us a wave" ...then... "London, London give us a wave" ...and so on, and so on...

Are you beginning to see a pattern forming here?? Ok, so we're just a big friendly bunch, to wave! lol

...incidentally...they all waved! Yay! =)

And for ourselves: "Stand up if your team's not here" at which point one of the 4 Giants who turned up just to watch the games, Leigh Jamieson, stood up and waved in agreement that indeed, his team were most definitely not here! lol =)

During one of the period breaks Lu and I went for a wander round the concourse, and whilst we were distracted by Belfast enforcer Mel Angelstad (who was over selling his fight dvd's on a stall) drunkenly measuring his hand against that of an oversized coventry fan, we got hijacked by photographer Dave Page who dragged us outside and demanded our cheesiest poses for Powerplay magazine. Gee whiz, I sure can't wait to see that one.....NOTT!!!

The highlight of the game, however, has to be our fans starting a mexican wave, and not only getting it to circle the arena about 12 times, but also getting the entire Cardiff bench (including coach Dave Whistle) to join in each time it passed them... This only went to confirm my previous suspicions, even further!
Unfortunately I was at the wrong angle to get a photo of this happening, but if you're interested, you can find one here.

In the end the Steelers were presented with the bronze, giving the Devils a good head start to the bar!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Stand up, if your teams not here! (part 2)

(Saturday 9th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day one)
(Part 2)

At least we were there well on time for the Cardiff Devils v Nottingham Panthers game, which was the main thing as we Giants fans were there on loan to the Devils, seeing as the Giants didn't make it to the finals, and our ex-coach is now coaching them...

Lu and I headed down to the plexi to watch Cardiff warm up. Normally I'd be wearing a 'jeans, t-shirt and hockey jersey' combo at a game, but today we were raising money for cancer research and a few of us were dressed as school girls, myself included, with a couple of the guys as headmasters. I was wondering if this had any baring on Vezio Sacratini's incessant "all star" stylee puck playing directly in front of us at all? off! ;o) lol

(above left) I swear thats wot my uniform used to look like...honest! ;o)
(above right) Little Vez (he's only ickle!)

The game was good, and started off well for the Devils. I decided to take some photos from my seat, about half way up in the corner of the arena, and got a bit of a shock when Craighead proved he really could find a camera in a haystack...yikes!
We cheered loud and hard, but in the end, despite the combined efforts of both sets of fans, the Devils lost. They would now have to play Sheffield for third place tomorro afternoon.

[insert your own caption here] ;o) Posted by Hello

After the game we decided just to go back to the hotel, and save ourselves for tomorrow night after the finals. Lu conked out on her bed while the rest of us headed down to the bar for a drink, some pizza and a chat.

On the way out of the elevator I almost bumped into a guy, who proceeded to stare at me strangely. I peered back at him with the same glare...
He looked again and said "I know you...your Joanne!"
"Yes!'re Dave Page!" I said with the same shock...
Dave is the Panthers official photographer and we had only met, in person, once before - on the bench during the final last year...and aparently my hair colour threw him for a second. We compared short game notes for a bit and then decided that if I didn't support the Panthers in the final, he would have to kill me.......hmm.....

Anyways...all was pretty subdued in the bar...we were all knackered and just floating down from the days excitement. I think the highlight was me attempting to bribe Craig (the "sniff me" guy) with a slice of pizza for the loan of his devils jersey for the game the next day...and it worked! I rock ;o) did the pizza...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Stand up, if your teams not here! (part 1)

(Saturday 9th April - Playoff Weekend in Nottingham, Day one)
(Part 1)

TOP L-R: me, matty, raj, sarah
BOTTOM L-R: lu, joyce (sarahs mum)
Posted by Hello

*phew* ok...where to start?!

Just back from the EIHL Playoff finals in Nottingham and, despite our team not making it to the finals, as always, we had a crackin weekend. Still wrecked and can barely remember my own name! I think I get less and less sleep at it every year...not that i'm complaining ;o)

I guess the best place to start is at the beginning...which would be saturday morning 3:30am. Yes folks this is when i crawled outta bed to make it to the airport for 5:30am. eesh! It would have been ok had I managed to get to bed before 1:30am!

For being such an eeevil time of the morning the airport was swimming with people and checkin line was 3 miles long. The bags were heavy...and yes i do mean the ones under my eyes...and the coffee was screaming everyones name...the only problem being by time we got to it, our flight was already boarding. I've never seen anyone shot double esspresso before =/

Our fight into Birmingham was short and smooth, although the plane had propellers which looked like they had to be started by hand. Not sure whether I was more worried about that or the fact that Lu thought they looked like bunny ears............strange girl...

A coach ride later and by half 10 we had arrived at the hotel. Checkin wasnt until 2pm, so all 40 of us dropped our bags in to a room belonging to another Giants fan who had arrived the day before, then Matt, Lu, Sarah, Raj and of course Myself, trundled off up the road towards the town. First stop was a shop called Two Seasons. It is a playoff tradition for me to buy a hat from here every year...but this time i decided against it. I'm not sure what put me off. Maybe there just wasnt anything that appealing, or it could have been the blood curdling scream and clatter that came from the third floor. We slowly edged out the door as the staff casually got on with their work...

We dandered round for a bit trying to pass some time before ending up draped over the sofas in Starbucks (or 'Barstucks' as Lu insisted on calling it). And it's a good job i picked the nice'n'hard non-descript-cloth covered ones....cause miss Lulabell almost had a panic attack at the thought that she may have stepped down the stairs only to find us sitting on the big comfy velvet covered ones! As I told you she is a strange girl...I once bought her a belly button thingy for her b'day which was housed in a little red velvet box...she had to get me to open it for her as she couldnt bring herself to touch the velvet...

Icing! (Matt's "breakfast" ..eesh!) Posted by Hello

Aaaanyways...after the boys having various chocolate deserts for breakfast and us looking at them strangely, we dragged ourselves up and out. It was still only just after 11 so we dandered round some stores for a while. Lu and I broke a way to do some girly shoppin for a bit and when we regrouped in HMV, Sarah had been doin some excellent foraging on my behalf...she'd managed to find me 4 cd's that I'd been after, each for £4.99...rockin! ...and faarr better than a hat! ;o)

After a traditional playoff lunch in Squares, where Steve insisted on showing me a pic of himself with an afro and wearing, well, nothing more than a smile (which seriously guys, should never be seen around food), we went to check in...
It was a bit after 2 o'clock and yet there were a pile of fans standing in the hotel foyer with particularly grumpy lookin faces...

The rooms still weren't ready...

A girl from our supporters club committee gave them a telling off about how we used this hotel every year, had been traveling since 5:30, and had paid 60 quid for the playoff game tickets only for it to look like we would miss the first game which faced off at half two.

This made no difference...the cleaners were still doing the rooms.

Slowly people started to get moved into rooms, but half 2 came and went, and we were still standing in the foyer. At about 20 to, the girl at the desk checked us in and gave us our key saying it must be ready by now...but when we got there the cleaners hadn't even been in it yet and said it would be "at least another 20mins"! Holy crap like! Another 20mins! Grrrr...we left our bags in my parents room and I headed back down to reception, trying my hardest not to explode at them.

While I was standing there getting more and more annoyed at the prospect of missing a game, one of the guys on our trip, Craig, saunters in, puts his arm around me and says "here...sniff me...don't you think I smell sexy?"

Now I'll be honest...if it hadn't been for this, I may have killed someone! Despite how tense and irritable I was right at that moment, I just couldn't help it...I almost fell on the floor laughing! ...and incidentally, he did smell quite nice! lol!

We eventually got a room at 3:15...and by the time we got showered and changed, had missed the first game completely. Nice eh? was just a good job Cardiff weren't playing untill the second game later that evening, otherwise there would have been hell to pay!

*takes deep breaths*

*cough* Anyway...all was much much better once we got inside the arena...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Giants 1 ...Devils ...err...more than that...

Ok, so it was our last home game of the season...and we lost...again...badly...

To be honest i can't even remember wot the final score was...and to be completely honest...I don't even really care...

Sounds harsh I know, but seeing as we havent 'won' a game in, like, the last ten or something, I kinda gave up caring about a week ago - right about the time we lost our shot at the playoff finals.

Instead, tonight, I devoted my game time to getting the perfect photo of John Craighead from the Cardiff Devils... A big fan of the camera, Mr Craighead was only to happy for me to flaunt my shiny lens at him...the only problem being, the stupid not-so-shiny-any-more thing packed in on me right at the moment of truth, losing me what would have otherwise been a cracker shot...




...I mean dont get me wrong, I got more than a couple of good shots...just...not that perfect one that I was looking for...that he handed to me! ON A PLATE FOR FLIPS SAKE!! *mutters*stupid camera grrrrrr....

*deep breaths* .....eesh... *sighs again*

Ah least I got my Whis-hug ...which, by the way, would take much to long to explain the significance of to all you uk ice hockey illiterate fools out there *rasp* =P ...just know it makes things better =)

xx jo

John Craighead: Has fan in Belfast...shocker! Posted by Hello