Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's a Jungle Out There!

Did you know that the official name for my phobia of moths is 'Mottephobia'?

That I also have 'Kakorrhaphiophobia' and 'Mycophobia'?

That Matt has 'Spheksophobia' and 'Sitophobia' (in particular 'Lachanophobia')?

Or that 'Alektorophobia' is in fact a fear of chickens?

Well, neither did I until I had a nosey around the official Monk site (...which is also where I discovered that Lieutenant Randy Disher has a band *ahem*)

*happy sigh*

I heart Monk. It makes lunch worth eating and brightens up my day just that little bit extra =)

...Oh, and incidentally, my favourite phobia name ever is 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia'.
It means 'A fear of long words' =D

....Right! I'm off before the old Logizomechanophobia kicks in!

Jo xx


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Holy Crap, what is the name for fear of having no fear...?

Jo said...

well, ya know morro...they have been known to nibble off a fingernail or two...but only if they've forgotten to get them manicured....

I, however cannot talk. My fear of the horrible little flappy monsters has driven me out of my house in the past...but then they carry M41A Pulse Rifles
...whereas otters are still struggling with the use of their kitchen knives...

R. said...

Fear of chickens! *snort*

You know there`s actually a name for people who`re turn on by..RAIN?! *raised eybrow* Come on!

I wonder if I can find a scientifical name for fear of cracking my teeth in a really hard candy.:) Whaaaat?! It could happen, you know! ;)

Jo said...

...actually...I think I did that once =/