3 More Lost Icons
Erm...tis exactly wot it says on the tin!
Erm...tis exactly wot it says on the tin!
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2:22 am
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Well... I just thought I might post some of the Avvys I done over the past wee while on here for all to see (and to cheer up Shiny Sarah). I don't mind if anyone wants to use 'em, but please comment and credit 'snoopy45' which is my LJ name.
Cheers, Jo xx
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5:13 pm
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Hurleys mum had a point. Dammit.
I'd like to say that was what inspired me to join the local gym, but as I hadn't heard her say it at the time, it would be a lie. And a stupid one at that. I mean seriously, who takes advice from a fictional slightly kooky tv mum? Hmm?
Anyways, it was more to do with not having exercised regularly since I was 15 and noticing that I'm suddenly not able to run flights of stairs anymore with out feeling the need to pass out half way up.
So, whilst I'm loving being able to go for a run while watching Neighbours, I've also decided, after (not) much deliberation (at all), that the rowers are in fact, evil. Not just because they make me believe that I'm on a boat in the middle of the Thames and could easily fall overboard and drown at any second, but also because they kill my poor arms after the first 5 minutes. Rowing just isnt bred into me. I mean I've never even entertained the thought of draping a neatly pressed beige sweater around my shoulders ever in my life...in fact, I dont even own a neatly pressed sweater of any colour.
But all has been going good, and despite the major dread I had going the first time, I'm now really enjoying it. Even more so now it's been discovered that one of the trainers was formerly a member of local bred boyband 'Wot Nxt' who played at a few Giants games during the period breaks a couple of seasons ago. *snigger* Sessions now go like this: "Right, I've just just finished on the crosstrainer...soo...wot next?" followed of course by much teeheeing and pisstaking, which, lets face it, is what gets us all through the day *cough*
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2:33 pm
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Things I Like:
John Prine. Went to see him with Matt, Raj & Nigel t'other night in the Waterfront. Fantastic.
Watching Lost season 2.
Going to the gym and finding out I'm not quite as unfit as I previously thought.
Pluckin Geetar. Matty has been teachin me to play Nothin' Else Matters by Metallica.
That song. Nothin' Else Matters. Such a fantabulous song. I'd forgotten just how fantabulous.
Seeing Sarah in her formal dress. Our little shiny girl's all grown up! *sniffle*
Flash dusters.
Dr Cox rants.
My new Superman t-shirt. It's super.
The new Tescos in Carrick. Oooo it's all new and shiny...
The dinner I cooked earlier. Damn it was good. No seriously, just ask Matt! It's a regular fave!
Matt buyin my dog a random toy =) Sweeeeet.
The new billboards for Coors Light featuring the Belfast Giants that have sprung up all over the place. They look great.
The seasonal 'Gingerbread Latte' at Barstucks. Mmmmmmm =)
Being all snuggly in my nice warm bed on freezing cold mornings.
Things I Hate:
Odyssey car park attendants. Don't get me started.
People who pick over petty things. I'm sure there's much more important things you could be getting on with.
Spieds. Steeks. Millies. Scallys. Chavs. Wotever.
Trying to buy sportswear for the use God intended when you're surrounded by the latter who all seem to think it's a super-stylish thing to wear for a Friday night on the the town.
People who leave before something's finished. I.E. As John Prine is coming towards the end of his last song *before* his encore; or with 3mins left on the clock during a game that has been know to swing 360 with 0.2 seconds to go. I mean for the love of all that is holy...WHY?!?
90% of Eventsec staff. Not all. Just the 90% majority. And in particular the ones that watch people bleed from a gash in their head and dont even go to see if they're ok until 60 or so people turn round and yell at him.
Running out of Lost to watch and having to wait on more episodes being broadcast.
Not being able to huggle Hurley when he's lookin all furnuffled in episode 2x04 entitled "Everyone Hates Hugo" =(
People who refuse to accept 'furnuffled' as a word.
Esquires staff. They're all dumb.
Clements Saturday morning staff. They're all grumpy.
Smoking in public places. I don't care, I shouldn't have to breath it.
Chaventry Blaze fans who think its somehow clever to throw stuff at the Giants bench.
Writable cd's that refuse to write.
Not getting to hear JP sing the 'Happy Enchilada' song *pout*
Having to get out of my nice warm bed on freezing cold mornings!
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1:17 am
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![]() You're a very sensitive soul. You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have. Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone. You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time. |
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12:42 am
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Giants 11 - Capitals 2
Theo Fleury.
He came. He Scored. He kicked the crap outta "some big guy". He conquered. We won.
Nuff said.
**Quote of the evening: [Referring to Fleury] "That's why he's the iPod of Canadian hockey" - Wayne Hardman**
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11:59 pm
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mu·sic ( P ) Pronunciation (m-yoo-zk)n.:
[1] The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
[2]An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds
Go listen:
Blue Eyes - Cary Brothers
Beautiful Man - Lori McKenna
Underwater - Jeremy Kay
Lose You - Pete Yorn
Orange Sky - Alexi Murdoch
Under The Weather - KT Tunstall
Such Great Heights - Iron & Wine
Let Go - Frou Frou
Fighting For My Love - Nil Lara
Fresh Feeling - Eels
Today - Josh Radin
I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You - Colin Hay
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12:46 pm
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Swiped this from Life Without a Tiara...
1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? Umm, my face I guess
2. How much cash do you have on you? In my pocket...about *counts* 13p
3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? Chest? What are we looking for here?
4. Favorite plant? Don't like plants, they die. Wotcha mean I'm meant to water them?? =/
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? *checks* ...actually it's a cell number that I didnt know...and for that matter, still dont know. They haven't called back.
6. What is your main ring tone on your phone? The 24 end theme tune, with of course the internal ring as my txt alert....wot? a girl cant match her tones??
7. What shirt are you wearing? An anoyingly baggy Ice hockey playoff tshirt from about 5 years ago which I use to paint in
8. Do you "label" yourself? No...do you?
9. Name brand of your shoes currently wearing? I ain't wearing any shoes, but I was wearing Sketchers a little earlier
10. Bright or Dark Room? Dark
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? Well, I'm pretty much convinced she's a spy for the Lord Chancellor of Evil Mythileons from the planet Zurbot...*rolls eyes* well no, of course not really, what do you think I am? An escaped mental patient from the Geeon regions of Outer Zurgolia?!? ...she seems nice
12. Ever "spilled the beans"? I couldn't help it...I was taking them out of the microwave and the bowl was too flippin hot...he never told me it was a 950w...I'm sorry, but I cleaned them up after like
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Falling asleep watching a tape of the X-Factor
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say? Cant really remember, have deleted it now...something about matt not having enough coffee
15. Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners? I have them all well blocked...so no
16. What's a saying that you say a lot? Err...can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there's a couple at least
17. Who told you they loved you last? Matt...just now on the phone awwwww *hands round a bucket*
18. Last furry thing you touched? My ickle doggy Tyson
19. How many hours a week do you work? As many as I need to...counting isn't healthy
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? I have 5 sitting in the fridge from the last ever Manchester Storm game that I really shoulda got developed waaay before now...oopsy!
21. Favorite age you have been so far? umm...I think I had a pretty good year when I hit 16...it's too stressful nowadays
22. Your worst enemy? usually, Myself
23 What is your current desktop picture? It's a Monopoly board at the mo...with all my desktop icons as playing pieces...I love it, it confuses the hell outta everyone =D
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? "Yes mom, for the 40th time, I'm still gonna varnish your damn stairs!"
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret? I dont think I have any major regrets...or at least nothing that I havent learnt a lot from....so I'd have to go for the million bucks....although, I would then feel a little ripped-off as it's only around half a mil sterling *tuts*
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4:54 pm
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Well I don't know about you, but I for one figure this thing's definately due an update!
...Unfortunately tho, I've only got time for a quicky at the mo - ya'know: places to go, people to see, dinners to cook for lovely Canadian friends etc...
But in the meantime have a gander at some pics I took t'other day of The Belfast Harlequins Rugby Team.
Click on a thumbnail to view it full size.
You can view all the photos in their full glory HERE.
Right, gotta run! Catch ya later =)
xx jo
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4:51 pm
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Well it's round about 3am and Matt and I have just finished polishing up the brand spanking new '05/'06 Giants entrance music...and *squeeeee!!* Its soooo good!
I'm soo all esssited now! Cant wait till tomorro night...it's gonna rock, and fingers crossed we'll kick some Newcastle butt...
...well......the entrance'll still rock at least! lol =)
xx jo
...and incidentally...if even one of those moaning wee wingers from the kotg start to bitch'n'gripe 'bout the new tune, they're sooo gonna feel the back of my hand...and then probably the back of my goalie stick!
*mutters* ...why-I-oughtta...!
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3:05 am
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Ok, well I've had the day from hell...but seeing as I cant be arsed talkin about it, instead I'm gonna post some photies from the Giants meet & greet last night...
Steve O'Brian & Todd 'Killer' Kelman
Mark 'The Mo-Train' Morrison
Jason 'JB JB' Bowen
The rest of the photos from the meet & greet can be found HERE.
All photos used on this site are Copyright © Blue Ice Media, unless otherwise stated, and must not be copied or reproduced without permission.
xx jo
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11:30 am
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![]() | Written, directed & starring Zach Braff... |
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5:46 pm
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Jeepers I've been bad with the updating again. Been way too distracted lately. Kept meaning to post...just...didn't.
Well...I'm here now, and that's all that matters =P
Lets see...so wot have I been up to over the last couple of weeks...
Well first of all, Matt and I took a lovely wee trip to Belfast Zoo to see Kandy, the kangaroo that my primary school class adopted when I was, like, 8 (*cries* no it's not dead it's the same one! it says so on the display board! *wibbly lip*) ...and of course, Paxton the Penguin, who was adopted a couple of years ago by the unforgettable ex-Belfast Giant, Paxton Schulte.
We also had a rare up-close and personal moment with the zoo's newest 14 month old resident...
A keeper pulled up in his van as we were standing in awe right in front of this beautiful creature... He said we were extremely privileged, as he almost never ventures inside, usually prefering to hide away somewhere out in the open part of the enclosure...the lion that is, not the keeper...
We also had the NIXX bus trip to Portrush.
We got a fantistic day for it - the sun was shining, the drunk people were singing... was all great craic, and as you may or may not know from reading either Matt or Sarah's blog, we even invented a new game.
Bum Forts & Arse Castles.
Yes. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? The general idea is that it's played on a beach and participants sit round in a big circle and build sand forts around themselves...then you simply take one bouncy ball, which you won with great skill on a Whack Attack stylee game earlier that day, and take turns to pelt it at the walls of each others fort, with the aim of breaking them down and conquering victoriously! Woohoo! I just know you're all running to find a sand pit as we speak...err...type / read, wotever =P
Anyhoo....the reason for the name? (come on, you know you were wondering...) Well...if you refer to the above pic, you may be just able to make out our very lovely bum prints in the center of each fort. Somehow, at the time, this seemed a very reasonable thing to name the game after...and we were the ones that hadn't been drinking...
Anyhoo...as the sun went down and Sterling and Gavin donned their secret porn identity masks, we all (apart from those who were drunk and couldn't find a way off their bar stool) gathered back on the bus and went home...
Thee end.
*takes a bow*
xx jo
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11:45 pm
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Ok, there'll be a proper update very very soon I promise...but in the meantime...
*breaths deeply & clams down*
....So, as of this morning, despite not meeting specific criteria required for a workpermit, his paperwork was finally given the go ahead, thanks to the support of the Elite League and the Ice Hockey Players Association.
Due to prior commitments, Olympic Gold medal winner Fleury won't arrive in Belfast until mid October, so we'll have a temporary signing from the ECHL to start with the team for the first game of the season on the 9th of September.
(Get the full story on the Official Site)
Yay! *dances*
Big smiles all round then, eh! =)
xx jo
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12:00 pm
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Right...I think I've got it!
I'm gonna bump Dakota off the top 5 due to her not being on the planet long enought to deserve the privilege =P She may make it back in a few years (and movies) time, but for now...
...the finished "top 5" list of favourite actors iiiissss....
*drum roll*
1. Johnny Depp
2. Geoffrey Rush
3. Johnny C McGinley
4. Nic Cage
5. John Cusack...oh no, wait! Alan Rickman...dammit I forgot about him! ...Gahh!!!
*attempts to stop head from exploding*
...ok...I'm gonna have a joint 5th...so there! *rasp* =P
xx jo
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6:29 pm
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So as Sarah, Matt, Raj and I skipped merrily out of seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night, Sarah and myself were rambling on (as we do) about how rockin Johnny Depp is, how he is such a fantastic character actor, makes every movie he's in, blah blah blah... I suddenly realised he was actually my favourite actor. I guess I hadn't thought about this in a very long time...not since back in the media student days.
I started to wonder who else would make my 'Top 5' list nowadays, but I got very stumped.
You see, there are a lot of actors that I like. Some that would compel me to see a movie purely on the basis that they were in it... Some that might make the top 10, but very few who I would actually include in my top 5.
I spent the entire journey home from Raj's house comtemplating this very conundrum.
So far I've come up with:
1. Johnny Depp - like I said before...great actor who is able to transform himself physically and mentally to fit each character he plays, and always with a twinkle of humour flashing across his eyes.
2. Geoffrey Rush - from gentle genius in Shine, to scary as hell as Barbossa.
3. John C McGinley - he's done some fantastic movies...from Platoon, to Point Break, to Se7en, to The Rock, to Identity...and then from Scrubs, to, well, pretty much everything he's ever been in...he has the unique ability to crack me up and scare the bejeebus outta me all at once.
4. Dakota Fanning - she's so young yet so flippin talented, I cant help but think she rocks...lets hope she doesn't run the usual 'child star' gauntlet.
...but I'm still missing a 5th
See...I would rarely miss an Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell movie, but that doesn't mean I'd rate them top 5. Tom Hanks Is a fantastic actor, and Big definately makes my all time top 5 movie list...possibly even joined by The Terminal, but does he fit the list? Or Nic Cage? Again, been in some of my favourite movies, but is he number 5, or 6? Mel Gibson definately would have made the top 5 list even 5 years ago, but it seems like forever since I've seen him in anything list-worthy. And then there's John Cusack. Con Air and High Fidelity are also amongst my most watched movies. Eeesh, Not to mention a collection of Alan Rickman, Jack Black, Wil Smith, Steve Zahn, Jim Carey, Kevin Spacey and Steve Buscemi movies...and thats only to name a few. Gaaahh...
Ya know it's getting to the point where I'm just gonna note down all the potential canditates, close my eyes, and pick whichever one my finger points to first.
Grrrr! ...think I'm gonna have to get back to ya on this one...
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10:49 pm
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Today I had been intending to go shopping in town, but it rained. See, it's not that I think I will melt if I go out in the rain, but it rained heavly, and I just dont see why I should go shopping in icky weather when it could quite easily wait till another day.
Instead I started to do all those tiny little things I'd been meaning to do for absolutely ages...like listen properly through some music I got a while back but had forgotten about, posting pics Wrighty sent me on the NIXX site, flicking through my list of interesting blogs, and of course updating this one.
On my way through my interesting blog list, i came across a post called "Kids Define Love" on 'Life Without a Tiara' and I thought it was really sweet.
A couple of my favourites were:
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Bobby - age 7
"Love is when your puppy licks your face, even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4
and "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca - age 8
They made me smile =)
Also, for the last half hour I have been reading PostSecret (which I found a link to on above site...so thank you!) ...read it, it's amazing...
xx jo
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4:58 pm
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It was announced today that Theo Fleury (...yes, THEO FLEURY!!!!!!) has a made verbal agreement to sign for the Belfast Giants this coming season! Holy crap! *dances* =D
Article on TSN.ca site
Belfast Giants Official Site
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6:50 pm
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Now that Andy & Meelan have seen their finished wedding folio, I thought i'd share a few more of the pics with y'all on here...
All photos copyright © Blue Ice Media 2005,
and must not be copied or reproduced without permission
Prints available upon request.
Check out their website to see some of Brians wedding snaps and some pics I took previously at Tollymore Forest.
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4:56 pm
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